Dr Ravi Patel

Dr Ravi Patel (BDS DGDP)
GDC No. 54626
Statutory exam 1980
DGDP (UK) 1993
Dr Ravi Patel graduated as a dentist in 1979 and has been a Joint Partner at Smile House Dental Practice for the last twenty-six years. As you can imagine, this has given him a tremendous amount of general practice experience making him one of our practice's most knowledgeable and skilled dentists. His commitment to the community of Sutton and surrounding boroughs is clear when one looks at the vast number of loyal patients he treats.
Ravi is available at Smile House on Mondays.
Ravi has completed a two-year training post at the Greenwich District Hospital and since then has taken a keen interest in the field of Adult Orthodontics. Over a number of years Ravi has provided his patients with private orthodontic care and four years ago became fully certified and accredited to provide Invisalign clear orthodontic braces.
Ravi has also taken a keen interest in mentoring and has been a practising mentor for health professionals within the London Deanery for the last three years. He has been awarded a Vocational Trainer post by the London Deanery seven years ago. This role allows him to pass on his knowledge and skills to two recently graduated dentists every year. Holding positions as a mentor and trainer make Ravi one of only a few dentists in the country to have been awarded such a role. Ravi is now a London Deanery Training Programme Director and has completed his Postgraduate Certificate in Dental Education at the University of Bedfordshire.
Ravi holds a Certificate in the appraisal of dental practices from the London Deanery. He has invested a tremendous amount of time and effort into making Smile House what it is today. A state of the art, family, practice.